Critical Reflection

 Module learning: 

If I have to reflect honestly, I will say that I did not achieve the goal that I had set for myself. I wrote about being a more confident presenter and sharing my ideas properly. I was in a mess and felt dispirited throughout the course with five modules. For the first time, I experienced sleepless nights and frequent anxiety attacks.

If I were to make a connection to my past course in polytechnic, I would say that I did better previously. The learning outcome was similar to when I was in polytechnic. However, there are a few aspects that I found myself in a difficult situation. An example would be communication. I was unable to communicate well and connect with some of my coursemates. It was different when I was in polytechnic as I was able to freely share my ideas with them and had a great laugh over anything. However, I felt rigid that my anxiety kicked in when in university. I would experience both stress and emotionally drained out if I was called out to share my ideas.

In terms of improving my communication skills, I would need time to work on it. As I know my condition better now, the progress I am going through will be slow but steady.

Project learning:

I learned presentation skills, writing skills, critical thinking, and teamwork in this module course. The focus of the reflection will be on presentation skills. I need to be concise and clear on what I want to relay to the audience for presentation skills. In addition, I would need to engage the audience so that they would be interested in the proposal idea.

In the first presentation pitch, I had to pitch the idea alone. As the Covid cases still rose, the class was online in zoom. It makes me relieved that I do not need to present face to face. However, it still makes me anxious just thinking of proposing the pitch alone. After everyone had pitched their idea proposal, we had to choose who gave the best pitch proposal. I felt that my pitch proposal did not attract their attention based on the reaction. Another reason could be that I was pitching the idea quite fast which they might not understand what I was proposing.

Based on that experience, I learned that I should relax and pitch the idea concisely and clearly. If there are future opportunities, I could improve the pitch by looking at the audience's facial expressions to know if they understand the idea proposal. In addition, based on their facial expression, I would also notice if I am presenting the idea too fast.


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